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What's at risk?

Everyday legal help to prevent crisis.

Community legal centres help hundreds of thousands of people every year to resolve everyday legal problems in areas like housing, relationships, debts and money problems, and discrimination. 

People trust their local community legal centre to support them early, before legal problems snowball to crisis point.

Frontline domestic and family violence work.

Community legal centres play a crucial role in preventing and responding to domestic and family violence. Frontline family law and family violence services make up the largest area of work for the community legal sector. ​
People go to community legal centres for help to keep themselves and their children safe from violence.

Holistic, trauma-informed support.

Community legal centres recognise the impacts of trauma and discrimination on people's ability to access justice. We know that many people's legal issues are connected to other social and financial problems. Because of this, community legal centres employ not just lawyers but social workers, financial counsellors, Aboriginal community development workers, tenant advocates and more, to help people holistically.

People come to community legal centres for holistic support to untangle lots of different but connected problems all at once. 

Education to help people and communities avoid legal problems.

Community legal centres understand that the best thing is often to help people avoid the legal system altogether. We educate and empower communities to prevent legal problems from emerging.
People can avoid legal trouble when they can access community legal education from their community legal centre.

Community legal centres play a crucial and cost-effective role in our legal system delivering high-quality, human rights-based, and integrated services to many thousands of people in need - people who would otherwise fall through the cracks.

Furthermore, they use this experience to identify systemic problems and advocate for reforms that benefit us all. An equitable and fair democratic justice system is impossible without quality legal services that are accessible to everyone. That is precisely what community legal centres provide.

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights

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